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Reach 454 372 441
Stack 731 499 708
Top Tube (effective) 694 729 765
Top Tube (actual) 604 610 558
Seat Tube C-T 510 517 600
Head Angle 63 61 56
Seat Angle 81 80 75
Head Tube 79 95 116
BB Drop 76 52 58
BB Type BB70 BB70 BB70
Wheel Size 25 27 23
Tyre Max Width 2 2 2
Handlebar Width 685 - 670 685 - 670 685 - 670
Crank Length 167 168 166
Rider Height 155 - 168 165 - 178 180
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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