

  48 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 297 406 340 443 369 340
Stack 554 427 525 552 638 570
Top Tube (effective) 590 511 545 561 535 669
Seat Tube C-T 487 579 434 648 525 705
Head Angle 82 74 72 72 69 62
Seat Angle 61 64 82 59 60 76
Head Tube 100 151 167 162 168 234
Chainstay 453 399 388 372 401 423
BB Drop 69 62 81 71 68 63
Handlebar Width 450 401 367 464 387 384
Crank Length 155 174 139 194 204 196
Rider Height <164 164-172 170-177 175-182 180-188 >188
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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