

  46 49 53 56 59
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Reach 409 434 331 393 447
Stack 452 438 645 598 570
Top Tube (effective) 581 466 488 494 533
Seat Tube (effective) 483 429 439 567 622
Head Angle 79 79 60 79 57
Seat Angle 60 64 79 82 71
Head Tube 85 99 149 138 163
Chainstay 420 445 459 437 469
Wheelbase 946 1082 994 1154 1068
Standover 664 806 780 717 879
BB Drop 70 68 81 54 63
Wheel Size 700 x 33 700 x 33 700 x 33 700 x 33 700 x 33
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: Geometry based on 700 x 33C Frames Accomodate 650b x 47 or 700 x 37c

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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