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Reach 321 345 403 393
Stack 617 641 626 691
Top Tube (effective) 485 700 595 541
Top Tube (actual) 433 488 581 528
Seat Tube C-C 422 500 464 446
Head Tube 110 129 150 169
Chainstay 440 500 394 420
Wheelbase 1159 940 1368 1371
Standover 781 653 664 693
BB Height 348 358 372 349
Seatpost Length 351 339 398 423
Handlebar Width 599 554 792 643
Stem Length 89 107 100 90
Crank Length 191 201 149 182
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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