

  49 52 54 56 58
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Reach 375 322 368 426 431
Stack 606 491 633 657 561
Top Tube (effective) 456 482 616 520 666
Seat Tube C-T 554 498 518 524 487
Head Angle 59 76 79 85 69
Seat Angle 62 79 64 85 73
Head Tube 102 94 146 130 136
Chainstay 399 471 442 397 469
Wheelbase 927 1144 1049 968 931
Front Centre 710 583 623 613 567
Standover 795 748 892 939 964
BB Drop 76 59 66 59 83
BB Height 241 283 263 232 299
Fork Rake / Offset 55 52 43 40 56
Trail 85 72 69 54 63
Fork Length (A2C) 420 456 428 332 337
Seatpost Length 347 311 286 326 336
Handlebar Width 355 365 338 418 513
Stem Length 71 79 82 116 96
Crank Length 141 199 157 205 205
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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