

  44 48 51 54 56
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Reach 395
Top Tube (effective) 537 515 479 435 549
Seat Tube C-T 451 356 457 419 481
Seat Tube C-C 378 382 470 489 410
Head Angle 70 58 70 63 83
Seat Angle 79 85 69 66 60
Head Tube 90 103 119 116 160
Chainstay 357 458 482 466 463
Wheelbase 798 856 1103 898 878
Front Centre 597 640 483 579 568
Standover 585 633 739 649 832
BB Drop 61 79 78 73 60
Fork Rake / Offset 60 54 50 56 41
Trail 68 69 54 47 47
Wheel Size 794 652 790 815 655
Tyre Max Width 20 27 20 26 24
Seatpost Length 258 290 363 358 386
Handlebar Width 405 431 368 354 336
Stem Length 60 63 80 93 93
Crank Length 163 141 150 176 143
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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