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Reach 378 402 358 559 447
Stack 572 652 682 501 640
Top Tube (effective) 611 618 721 712 790
Seat Tube C-T 296 372 439 386 469
Head Angle 63 56 74 66 79
Seat Angle 75 89 82 70 84
Head Tube 94 100 99 93 115
Chainstay 505 452 451 459 368
Wheelbase 1300 1009 986 1102 1077
Front Centre 587 758 753 647 855
Standover 833 844 908 882 772
BB Height 325 364 396 333 374
Fork Rake / Offset 35 36 51 42 35
Trail 141 99 125 116 102
Fork Length (A2C) 584 478 615 610 472
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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