

  44 49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 366 333 415 336 449 453 467
Stack 500 513 517 580 615 667 512
Top Tube (effective) 462 580 501 485 605 648 602
Seat Tube C-T 460 464 515 442 475 544 636
Head Angle 58 81 77 81 82 73 73
Seat Angle 83 82 86 63 66 59 80
Head Tube 110 97 138 116 147 189 195
Chainstay 362 418 437 485 372 385 339
Wheelbase 1101 806 868 857 1042 938 1142
Front Centre 624 526 522 470 657 660 723
Standover 789 765 637 664 893 880 733
BB Drop 70 78 88 64 77 84 76
BB Height 318 213 302 222 276 260 261
Fork Rake / Offset 37 40 52 46 42 45 36
Trail 80 58 48 53 60 51 54
Fork Length (A2C) 305 427 380 325 338 421 339
Seatpost Length 270 258 315 318 385 359 272
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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