

  44 49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 378 375 403 366 439 393 472
Stack 445 411 569 615 469 599 631
Top Tube (effective) 411 473 624 623 475 598 611
Seat Tube C-T 382 509 480 520 409 588 518
Head Angle 80 65 63 72 83 61 69
Seat Angle 66 85 63 67 61 79 80
Head Tube 117 115 116 141 187 212 192
Chainstay 337 436 366 422 371 328 344
Wheelbase 1063 914 864 1062 797 1102 1105
Front Centre 637 682 516 575 486 555 718
Standover 708 825 808 910 883 938 922
BB Drop 77 82 88 84 77 69 75
BB Height 228 284 284 222 241 223 298
Fork Rake / Offset 53 45 45 37 50 37 38
Trail 59 53 59 59 48 63 43
Fork Length (A2C) 318 382 416 389 360 319 320
Seatpost Length 244 273 344 315 343 327 394
Stem Length 78 89 80 90 81 123 126
Crank Length 171 155 180 205 151 174 141
Saddle Height 144 172 124 129 150 135 147
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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